Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Oh, the Hypocrisy!!

I realize the shit storm I am about to call forth with the content of this post, and I realize that some will probably completely misunderstand what I am saying. In order to minimize this unavoidable outcome, let me preface this with some information. I am against bigotry and discrimination. I don't care what your religion, nationality, race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, or political affiliation. Hate and intolerance do NOT help in any situation, they only cause harm. I say these things because I can't help but notice some serious hypocrisy going on in the news recently. And it is in pointing out the hypocrisy that I run the risk of being misunderstood.

Donald Sterling is the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. He made some AWFUL, horribly racist remarks in a taped private conversation. The NBA has handed him a lifetime ban from the sport (and he may be forced to sell the franchise, but this remains to be seen). I get this. It makes sense to me. He has a right to be a racist and a bigot, but he doesn't have the right to be an NBA owner. As an NBA owner, Sterling agreed to abide by the NBA constitution, and therefore can be punished by the commissioner for behavior that is prejudicial or detrimental to the league as a whole. The decision by the commissioner has received widespread public support from just about everywhere - players, other NBA owners, politicians, the media, everywhere. 

Flashback - Not too long ago, another public figure (let's call him...Phil) made bigoted remarks. NOT in private conversation, but directly to the media in a pubic interview. The company HE worked for (let's call it....A&E) decided not to renew his payday. Again, seems to make sense, the message being that this person has the right to be bigoted and hold whatever personal views he has, but he is NOT entitled to receive a paycheck from the company he worked for which doesn't agree with his sentiments and values. Confusingly, the public fall out and backlash was sooooooo NOT the same. In fact the public outrage at his potential loss of paycheck was crazy - like "Oh my God, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had a baby girl and named her North" levels of crazy.

Let me set up the parallels here...
2 men, each man makes disparaging and bigoted remarks that are not supported by the company he works for and do not represent the standards or values that the company wants to be associated with. Both men are informed by their company that they are no longer going to be getting paid by their company and are no longer going to be a part of that company's future. Basically, you do not represent us and we do not want to be associated with the remarks you made and therefore you will no longer be on our payroll.

Seems like the situations are nearly identical. Oh, wait, there is actually one BIG difference. Sterling's comments were made in a private conversation. A conversation he had no reason to believe would ever become made public. Just like a conversation might be had between you and a neighbor while standing at the BBQ grill in your back yard over a beer. Private. Personal. And he is getting a lifetime ban from the NBA. Phil makes his comments in a public interview. Directly to the media. As in, "this isn't an off-the-record conversation that is private between me and a friend, but an openly public statement for aaaaaaall to hear". And everyone freaks out because A&E doesn't want to pay him to represent their company anymore and there are calls to boycott A&E. Because this situation is about free speech and Phil's right to speak his opinions, whether in public OR private. And all kinds of people publicly came to poor Phil's defense, even though A&E was merely exercising THEIR freedom not to have to employ someone who makes publicly bigoted statements that do NOT in any way represent their opinions or values.

What I am wondering is where are all the "freedom of speech" Phil supporters? Why aren't any of them outraged and coming to Donald Sterling's defense? It seems to me that Sterling's punishment for private comments would fall directly in line with their position. I mean, if Phil's publicly stated bigotry should be protected I would definitely think they would be screaming from the rafters to protect a private conversation in which bigoted statements were made. 

So I'm just wondering where all the support for Sterling is. Where is the rally among those who were so vocal in support of Phil? And I can only come to one conclusion. Its ok to be an open and public bigot, but just not a private racist. Its okay to publicly express derogatory comments about homosexuals, but its not okay to make private racist comments. Its freedom of speech to go on the public record with discriminatory remarks regarding sexual orientation, and it should be protected and respected because he was just speaking his mind and expressing his opinion. But its not freedom of speech to make private comments to your girlfriend that are racist, and this should not be protected because he wasn't just speaking his mind and expressing his opinion. It is the height of hypocrisy that the Phil supporters are not out in full force supporting Sterling. Like "I just climbed to the top of Mt. Everest without the use of external oxygen" height. 

The fact that they are no where to be seen leads me to believe that the freedom of speech that was so eloquently espoused for on behalf of Phil only applies to the belief's that they personally agree with. If you agree with Phil's comments regarding homosexuality, its freedom of speech. But if you don't agree with Sterling, its not. So intolerance and discrimination and bigotry are okay when its about a person's sexual orientation, but not okay when its about a person's race? Hypocrisy. 

Both of these men have the right to whatever opinions and beliefs they choose. And both of these men have the right to say whatever they want wherever and whenever they choose. But neither of these men are "entitled" to jobs and paychecks from companies whose values are in opposition to these men's personal views. And ANYONE who was jumping on the "Phil" bandwagon screaming "freedom of speech" all those months ago but who is not willing to do the same public campaigning for Sterling's "freedom of speech" rights, is a hypocrite. I agree with and stand behind the rights of A&E and the NBA. Bigotry and racism do NOT entitle you to a paycheck. But choosing to support Phil and not Sterling is saying bigotry against this group is acceptable but racism against this group is wrong. Guess what? Its ALL wrong. And picking and choosing which ones are supported by free speech and which ones aren't is a hypocrisy I just can't sit back and say nothing about any longer. Even if it does create a shit storm of epic proportions. Heading straight for me. Its okay. I'm used to it. Bring it on.